Get married in Mexico, quickly and without much hassle

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Do you plan a vacation in Mexico to get married legally and relax on scenic Caribbean beaches? We offer official registration of marriage in Mexico for foreigners. We will take care of the organization, you will devote all your time to rest.

Location: Cancun, Playa del Carmen and all the Caribbean coast

In the Mexican state of Quintana Roo, the conditions for marriage are the simplest. You need a valid passport only. You do not need a birth certificate or proof of civil status, as in other regions of Mexico.

As quickly as possible: 1 day for registration

One business day is enough to get married legally in Mexico. Just one day! After a state-issued certificate is issued, your marriage will be recognized in all countries of the world.

Certificates: only passports

Before you arrive in Mexico, please send us copies of your passports. The first page is enough. You don’t need anything other than your passport.

Birth certificate is not required! Certificate of absence of marriage record is not required! We ourselves will receive extracts from the register of alimony debtors for the bride and groom.

Date: any of your choice

You can choose any date of registration, even for tomorrow or weekend. We will submit an application and forms for registration of marriage to the Mexican Registry office (Registro civil), agree the date and time with the judge. Also the judge can come to your venue.

Try to arrive in Mexico at least 1 day prior the date. First, you need to take a blood test, it is a legal requirement. Once a test is ready, you can marry. It is possible to take a blood test after marriage registration.

We will also provide 4 witnesses. You can invite your owns, but please do not change the witnesses at the last moment.

The registration process at the Registry office takes around 20 minutes. After that, a marriage certificate is issued. In order for this certificate to become valid abroad, we need to put an apostille stamp on it.

Apostille: 4 business days or more

If you have time, you can wait for the completion of the apostillation in Mexico, if not, we can send the finished certificate by DHL to anywhere in the world. The minimum period for which you can marry in Mexico is 1 day, not counting the days of arrival and departure. To get an apostille we need 4 business days with a small surcharge for speeding up the procedure or 8 business days as usual. The best option to stay in Mexico is a week and a half to have time to enjoy your vacation on the beach, visit excursions and wait for the completion of the apostillation.

What is included in our price

The cost of the all-inclusive package for marriage registration in Cancun and Playa del Carmen is US$1,400.

This amount includes all the main costs necessary to register a marriage:

  • all government duties and charges,
  • the judge and assistant fees,
  • witness fees,
  • blood test (medicals arrive to your hotel),
  • an apostille on the marriage certificate in 8 business days.

Not included

  • transfer, incl. VIP,
  • quick apostillation (4 business days),
  • registration of marriage at your venue,
  • translation of the certificate into a foreign language,
  • wedding ceremony in a picturesque place,
  • services of a stylist and makeup artist,
  • rental of wedding paraphernalia, outfits,
  • video and photography,
  • delivery of apostilled marriage certificate by DHL.

All additional services can be ordered for a fee.

The cost of our services is significantly lower than similar offers. At the same time, we strictly adhere to the agreed conditions and terms.

Let us know the date of your arrival in Mexico. This is enough to start the preparatory process.

Contact us

Happy wedding in Mexico!

Длинное свидетельство о браке в штате Кинтана-Роо, Мексика
Marriage certificate in the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico, long version. You can pick it up immediately after registration
Marriage certificate in the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico
Marriage certificate in the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico, short version. We will put an apostille on it and then give it to you
Marriage certificate in the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico
Marriage certificate in the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico, short version. We will put an apostille on it and then give it to you
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